From Mark Prather

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Reviews Of The Book:

What a Wow!
“In Pursuit of the Truth” is well-written with a philosophical and poetic touch. Also, the synergy in the write-up is so admirable. Anyone reading it will picture their own life as everyone’s life is full of ups and downs, but somehow, by some supernatural interventions, the subtle presence of God in our lives, we keep moving.
Thank you for sharing with me; reading it has done me a lot of good in various respects. Many will be touched positively by reading your book.

Father Gregory Dery

We have 2 choices in life. We can be motivated by love or fear. Love trusts in God. It sacrifices, encourages. It suffers with joy and thankfulness. The heart of fear is driven by pride to make the story about us. Mark's amazing life story illustrates how he chooses to seek and find the Kingdom of God by giving up his life to Jesus.

Dr. George Liu

As someone who was raised in a Christian faith, this book was a shocking confirmation of faith and God's existence. When I read "That everything on this planet is temporary and has no real significance, only your relationship with God matters", it felt like a lightning bolt ran through my body. I lived most of my adult life, chasing the "temporary" pleasures in life and reading this book made me realize just how meaningless that was. Thank you for writing this book.

Jiyun Choi-VP of Marketing